Disabled Adults
Chicago Social Security Benefit Lawyer

If you have been denied SIS or SSDI no is the time to get an experienced attorney.
Denied Disability benefits, Disability appeal.
Coming to terms with being disabled can be difficult. Nobody wants to be unable to function, nobody wants to be unable to support themselves and their families. If you have made the decision to apply for SSI or SSDI you will need help getting your claim approved.
The Social Security Administration has established two programs to assist adults who are unable to work due to a mental or physical condition or illness. Under both programs an individual must prove that they are unable to maintain full-time employment because of the severity of their symptoms and medical side effects), This severity must be expected to last for at least one year or result in death.
SSI – Supplemental Security Income is a need-based disability benefit. To qualify for SSI you must establish the severity of your medically determinable impairments and prove your financial need. Generally speaking, individuals who receive SSI have not worked substantially over the past 10 years and do not have assets over $2,000. Entitlement to SSI monthly benefits also tends to carry with it an entitlement to Medicaid.
SSDI- Social Security Disability Insurance provides a wage-based disability benefit. To qualify for SSDI you must establish the severity of your medically determinable impairments and have worked long enough, within the past 5 years to have sufficient “quarters of coverage” and still have ” insured status”. Entitlement to SSDI monthly benefits also tends to carry with it an entitlement to Medicare.
Please come on in for a free consultation or call at 708-888-4357.