Our practice is concentrated in Social Security disability law, we help children and adults establish that they are entitled to benefits. The federal government has specific programs for disabled children, adults who have never worked, adults who have worked, veterans, railroad workers, etc. Disability can be the product of work-related injuries, motor vehicle accidents, physical assault, acute illness, chronic illness mental illness, etc… Contact us if you have been injured or if you are suffering from a chronic illness, we can help you.
Disabled Children
Proving your disabled child’s entitlement to Supplemental Security Income(SSI) is crucial to their development and the in their future. More information

Disabled Adults
For disabled adults who worked sufficiently, and have attained the required “quarters of coverage” SSDI provides a wage-based monthly benefit. More information.


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Contact us if you have been injured or if you are suffering from a chronic illness, we can help you. Contact Us Now